
一個男人的生日 man's birthday

文大少的生日, 幸而我正在放假中才有時間預備一籃子celebration~
他如常的辛勞十小時 (a minimum)後我們才會合, 吃個晚飯, 切個蛋糕還有砵仔糕。我祝他肥肥白白, 食得落睡得好, 因為今天廿四歲他又要辛勞多廿四小時了。

原本以為會沒時間整蛋糕, 所以一早買了提拉米蘇的cake mix, 自己焗手指餅, 很快就做好, 我覺得太重奶味, 而且質感太軟 (不過好像傳統的提拉米蘇是這樣的), 唯有在decoration時下功夫, 有機會和金錢時要親手整一次~

有人對男人說: "原來你只是24歲而已。"

同一人對女人說: "原來你已經24歲了!"

為什麼同一個歲數, 男人跟女人會有分別呢?


想買這種迷你砵仔很久了, 但陳媽媽說以前的砵仔糕都不會這麼小型, 不過不打緊吧, 一口吃下幾個可能更加爽~

今次用了新recipe, 比以前香和煙un, 但放了一晚後有點硬, 我要再調整一下...



I'll be missing you. That's what lingered in my mind when I was traveling home alone tonight.

"The most important and impressive should be concluded in the lead" is the foremost rule from the first day I learnt journalism. And when it comes to a pause in my reporting life today, I have no way to deviate from this. (But I'm gonna forget what "pyramidal style of writing" in the following)

To be frank and fair, those evil persons are not the major but heavy contribution for me to end such a stress-free work. It's a shame that I have to leave my dear colleagues and counterparts in the industry, and that I cannot wait for a new, faster computer in the office.

God has His will in every step of our lives. I got to know the lovely people, the reality, the brutality, as well as be balanced (or more often left-wing) in viewing different issues, call the government duty officer without finding out its phone number, reduce the chances of getting lost in the street, have my lunch at 5pm and finish it within 15 minutes, etc.

So I'm pretty sure that I need a long time to adapt to the normality and I'm gonna miss such an abnormal life. It's a job that entertained me most of the time until half a year ago. Now I should embrace the new challenge courageously.

In short (because I think I'm still below standard at English writing, not to mention news articles), it's my pleasure to work with my dearest and enjoy a free lifestyle for two years. Thanks and I'm gonna miss you all. (To those who are still trapped in the hell, I sincerely hope that our dear leader can find the solution to remove the obstacles for you)



都已經新了一個多月的玩具, 因為文大少公務繁忙, 令我的頭上開始長出菇菇來, 所以良心發現的他買了這個我望穿秋水的畫板。
我不擅長畫畫, 但我喜愛閒來時左一筆右一筆, 呵呵呵~


cake & cake

噴了幾天血, 幸好今天放假可以暫緩一下, 為了陳媽媽和最近更辛勞的文大少, 我又動手弄蛋糕仔, 比焗餅乾我更喜歡焗蛋糕仔, 可能弄的過程較簡單, 失敗率又偏低吧。


小時候陳爸爸經常會買吃的給我們, 其中一種就是香蕉蛋糕, 樓下麵包店的香蕉糕跟市面上的都差不多, 顏色啡啡綠綠, 帶點濕潤, 中間切開就會一陣香味撲鼻, 雖然不像蕉味, 還有有一絲絲的東西在表面, 其實都幾樣衰, 但是我們童年時有得吃就已經開心上半天了。
長大後已經很少吃這種蛋糕, 偶爾想買一件回家, 但又怕現在只得我一個人會吃, 今次陳媽媽問起香蕉可否造蛋糕, 我便自告奮勇, 我調整了一本外國書教muffin的方法 (外國人太愛甜又不怕膽固醇了), 所以其實做法不難, 只是當我壓爛香蕉時, 我覺得有點噁心...

低粉 180g

泡打粉 1tsp

梳打粉+鹽少許 (可省略)

牛油 60g

糖65g (其實份量可以再少, 視乎蕉的甜度)



蕉1隻 (我用的大約重120g)


1. 蕉和合桃分別壓爛和切碎
2. 牛油室溫回軟, 糖分次加入, 用打蛋器打至creamy
3. 蛋打散後分次加入(2), 每次都攪拌好
4. 粉類過篩, 把1/3 份量加入(3), 攪拌好加10ml牛奶, 又攪拌好, 再加入餘下一半的粉, 攪拌好又加多10ml牛奶, 再重覆多一次就用盡了粉和奶
5. 加入爛蕉, 攪好後加合桃
6. 倒入盛器內至最多3/4滿, 用180度焗20分鐘, ok!

可是焗了出來不是童年味道, 不過陳媽媽喜歡吃就可以了~


這個我是跟<精緻小甜點輕鬆做>弄的, 質感很軟, 而且因為我加了綠茶油, 所以很香, 很喜歡這類和風的甜品。
