
Calvary Chapel Saving Grace - Faithful & True

Calvary Chapel Saving Grace - Faithful & True
I know the thoughts that You think towards me.
Thoughts of peace and not of evil.
You sent Your Son to die for me.
To be my future and my hope.
Lord You are faithful, and I will call to You.
You're always there when I need You.
And in this life, when the world falls down,
Lord You alone are faithful and true.
Jesus said "I go to prepare a place,
That you could always be with Me.
And when I come back, I'll take you home, for all eternity."
Lord You are faithful, and I will call to You.
You're always there when I need You.
And in this life, when the world falls down,
Lord You alone are faithful and true.
You will wipe away all my tears.
Dry my eyes and calm my fears.
This is the promise that you have made,
When the former things have passed away.
Lord You are faithful, and I will call to You.
You're always there when I need You.
And in this life, when the world falls down,
Lord You alone are faithful and true.


Faithful & True

這期發生的事令人很疲憊, 很不想接受, 工作以來還是第一次這樣無奈。這個人還真夠影響力, 應該是「本年度我最討厭人物」頭三位。
感恩的是我受的影響比其他人算是輕微 (同事就辛苦了), 但是基於本人的性格問題, 我工作時甚覺恐慌, 精神差了也終於捱出病來。
記得上星期有一天是很難過的, 掉了發達通, 還要被那個nuisance producer困擾著, 心情跌了落谷底, 第二天我上班途中, 看到了一張banner寫了一句令我提起精神的話, 不久我的朋友仔也send了一個一樣的sms給我, 我感動得笑了-
「凡勞苦重擔的人, 可以到我這裡來, 我就使你們得安息」
(馬太福音 11:28)
神總是用奇妙浪漫的方法告訴你祂的愛 (如果有人可以這樣聰明就好了), 可是該死的我還是很受外在環境所影響, 幾天前我又很低落, 無奈中我不自覺按了這首歌, 聽著聽著, 感恩得掉下眼淚來, 把這期的苦惱都寄在淚水裡一起交托給主, 因為祂是信實的-
我也應該振作, 神的恩典夠我用的!
正如查經時學到, 要將emotion交給主管理, 否則以我以往的性格, 我可能一早爆了。
壞人到處都有, 反正神是公義的, 不由得我去控制。
現在也要好好克制自己, 不要因為這些人而令自己失音,失了準繩,和講粗口, 這並不是我的習慣。


Prison Break

These are specially-baked cookies to farewell and congratulate the escape of my dearest collegaue. This lucky gal is gonna start a normal life outside Hong Kong. (ENVY!)
The description of "escape" is the jargon of my former colleagues in another prison. But who or what traps us here? P'haps the finanical turmoil, or just I'm not brave enough to step out.
A friend recently told me she's leaving a hell without getting a new offer. Sound-so-cool, isn't it?! Actually she's suffered enough. Why should we tolerate the irrational beings and let them insult our wisdom?
When I am cool enough to forget abt my financial status one day, I'd have a prison break. But first I must pray for more patience.



某天我放工回家, 駭然見到一直安然無恙的小熊竟然橫屍在梳化上 (陳媽媽聽到又會掌我個咀)
我家的少爺臻喜歡拖著玩具周街走, 所以陳媽媽便靈機一觸將繩繫在小熊的耳仔上...實在是剛剛好...我到現在都解不開 -__-

星期日陳二姊去了婚宴後帶回來的回禮禮物, 精緻得很的之古力啊....希望陳二姊結婚時都有咁上下排場的禮物!! (吹口哨~weeewee~)
也恭祝新人永遠幸福, 活在神的愛當中~



"美國哈佛醫學院一個進行長達四十四年的研究發現,間中在公司發惡的員工,升職會較快。研究跟進八百多名打工仔的前途發展,發現甚少發牢騷員工,在升職加薪方面,經常碰壁比率,較敢怒敢言打工仔高三倍。專家提醒打工仔,發惡都要有技巧、有建設性。"---quoted from 商台
