三號風球的晚上, 心血來潮想焗蛋糕, 找來之前心血來潮買下的杯子蛋糕食譜, 我很喜歡封面那些好看但未必好吃的小蛋糕, 某一天可能又會心血來潮"生"下它們。
這個雪芳蛋糕做法材料都十分簡單, 簡單到我按捺不住加了點綴- 之古力夾心。所以平平凡凡的外表下其實是隱藏著一片黑心的~
[食譜來源: 我(愛)杯子蛋糕+陳碧姬搞花臣]
蛋黃 2個+砂糖 25g 沙拉油 35g 常溫水 35ml 低粉 45g 泡打粉 半小匙
蛋白 2個+砂糖 30g 之古力碎適量
1. 蛋黃+砂糖攪拌混合好
2. 逐少加入沙拉油, 每次都充分混合好, 再加入常溫水攪拌
3. 加入過篩後的低粉和泡打粉混合
4. 在另一個大碗中發蛋白至變白後分兩次加入砂糖, 繼續打發到能拉出挺立的尖角為止 (大約七成企身)
5. 取少量蛋白霜加入3中, 用橡皮刀輕力攪拌, 將餘下的蛋白霜加入, 輕力攪拌至沒有白色為止
6. 倒入紙杯仔至三分一滿時, 加入少量之古力碎, 再倒至八成滿 (太滿會有嘔吐物), 以180度焗20分鐘左右 (因為家中焗爐太火爆, 我用了160度焗15分鐘已經ok了), 取出後立刻倒扣至涼
*之古力碎會被焗熔, 變成夾心
Best description to Mr Nuisance
Today I learn a new word which best describes those nuisance creating troubles (to us) every day (normally from monday to friday).
[from Cambridge Dictionary]
too obviously showing your money, possessions or power, in an attempt to make other people notice and admire you:
e.g. They criticized the ostentatious lifestyle of their leaders.
[from Cambridge Dictionary]
too obviously showing your money, possessions or power, in an attempt to make other people notice and admire you:
e.g. They criticized the ostentatious lifestyle of their leaders.
喂好久沒見了, 我知道您在天家一定過得很快樂!
現在毛線在重播您最愛的陀槍師姐, 您一定會大罵"做左幾十次仲做", 然後間中又會走過來望望。
最近我買了個小小的魚眼鏡, 您一定會話我浪費金錢做傻事, 然後又會瞪大眼擺好甫士等我影張大頭照, 就像您個孫一樣。
還有, 雖然我已沒有長高, 但我依然是您的傻仔。
請跟我向天父問好, 您們兩位都父親節快樂!!
喂好久沒見了, 我知道您在天家一定過得很快樂!
現在毛線在重播您最愛的陀槍師姐, 您一定會大罵"做左幾十次仲做", 然後間中又會走過來望望。
最近我買了個小小的魚眼鏡, 您一定會話我浪費金錢做傻事, 然後又會瞪大眼擺好甫士等我影張大頭照, 就像您個孫一樣。
還有, 雖然我已沒有長高, 但我依然是您的傻仔。
請跟我向天父問好, 您們兩位都父親節快樂!!
Pay Love Forward
"Save my life"
Perhaps he's just too ideal. But who on earth says being ideal is impossible?
The pureness in children is the most valuable asset- they are the only ones who see the goodness of human and strive to preserve it. That's why God wants us to learn to be kids.
Trevor (starred Haley Joel Osment) was inspired by the social studies assignment-"Think of an idea to change our world-and put it into action!". Like any other kids at 11, he was discouraged by apparent failures. But unlike other kids, he endeavored to take away the crap from the world.
What's crap in the world? War, assassinations, genocide, deceit, to name JUST A FEW.
Can't people just focus on spreading love to everyone? Let love save our world.
I has been receiving a number of forward emails. Some threatened me to pass it on to 10 people or else I will die (all of a sudden, huh?), while some really resemble the pay it forward.
Perhaps we should put it into action: repaying somebody's favor by doing good to other people. (Trevor proposed three)That's somehow like why God sent Jesus to die for us.
This could be a simple but difficult task-simple in mind but difficult in action.
Trevor simply thought his idea might change the world, but he found it difficult to save his friend from the bullies. He isn't a loser because he tried to do so at last. And he splendidly fixed many people. Life should be beautiful as his.
Let's learn to be a kid like him.
Post-travel Symptoms
1. Lack of motivation
2. Strong desire of retirement
3. Reinforcement of abject poverty
4. Recalling spectacular scenes and every fun part during travel
5. Missing travel partner
2. Strong desire of retirement
3. Reinforcement of abject poverty
4. Recalling spectacular scenes and every fun part during travel
5. Missing travel partner
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